Noir Design Parti has launched a Podcast
Hidden in Plain Site Podcast
Noir Design Parti is partnering with Gābl Media Group, Inc. to bring you the unfiltered stories and experiences of Detroit’s and Michigan’s Black Architects. Of course, we’ll nerd out and bring you some architecture factoids, too.
As little girls, hosts Saundra Little, FAIA, LEED AP, NOMA and Karen A.D. Burton, co-founder and CEO of SpaceLab Detroit, dreamed of becoming architects one day. Historically, the work of African American architects has not been recognized at the same level or to the same extent as that of their peers—despite attaining the same education, experience, and credentials. Noting the significant underrepresentation in the profession of architecture, Little and Burton created an award-winning project, Noir Design Parti, dedicated to documenting the careers and creative works of Detroit’s African American architects. Join Little and Burton on a personal journey as they weave together stories from the careers and lives of notable African American architects and highlight the significant contributions such trailblazers have made to the profession and the community, making the invisible visible for all to see.
Listen to the Hidden in Plain Site Podcast Trailer